Int Braz J Urol. Vol. 34 N. 02 – 2008
130 | F.J.B. Sampaio
132 | Lymph Node Dissection During the Surgical Treatment of Renal Cancer in the Modern Era
Guilherme Godoy, Rebecca L. O’Malley, Samir S. Taneja
143 | Outcomes of Flexible Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy with Holmium Laser for Upper Urinary Tract Calculi
Marcello Cocuzza, Jose R. Colombo Jr, Antonio L. Cocuzza, Frederico Mascarenhas, Fabio
Vicentini, Eduardo Mazzucchi, Miguel Srougi (Editorial comment by Dr. Bodo Knudsen)
151 | Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: Omitting a Pelvic Drain
David Canes, Michael S. Cohen, Ingolf A. Tuerk
159 | Pathologic Outcomes during the Learning Curve for Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
Amul Shah, Onisuru T. Okotie, Lee Zhao, Michael R. Pins, Vishal Bhalani, Daniel P. Dalton (Editorial comment by Dr. Anuar Ibrahim Mitre)
164 | Changing Profile of Prostatic Abscess
Suresh K. Bhagat; Nitin S. Kekre; Ganesh Gopalakrishnan; V. Balaji; Mary S. Mathews
171 | Endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Persistent Hemospermia
Adilson Prando (Editorial comment by Dr. Ronaldo Hueb Baroni; Dr. Geert M. Villeirs;
Dr. Willem Oosterlinck & Dr. Nelson M. G. Caserta)
180 | Gynecologic-Tract Sparing Extra Peritoneal Retrograde Radical Cystectomy with Neobladder
Jagdeesh N. Kulkarni, S. Jamal Rizvi, U. Purushotthama Acharya, K. S. Shiva Kumar, P. Tiwari (Editorial comment by Dr. Vladimir Novotny; Dr. John L. Gore & Dr. Simon Horenblas)
191 | Small Intestinal Submucosa for Patch Grafting after Plaque Incision in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease
Eugene W. Lee, Alan W. Shindel, Steven B. Brandes (Editorial comment by Dr. Kimihiko Moriya)
198 | Concurrent Management of Bilateral Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction in Children Using Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
Drew A. Freilich, Hiep T. Nguyen, Joseph Borer, Caleb Nelson, Carlo C. Passerotti (Editorial comment by Dr. Mario Sofer)
206 | The Malone Antegrade Continence Enema (MACE) Principle In Children: Is It Important If the Conduit Is Implanted In the Left or the Right Colon?
Karine F. Meyer, Mauricio Macedo, Humberto S. Filho, Thais R. Pinto, Leonan T. Galvao,
Quirino C. Meneses (Editorial comment by Dr. William Robert DeFoor)
214 | Does Vaginal Anti-Incontinence Surgery Affect Sexual Satisfaction? A Comparison of TVT and Burch-Colposuspension
Oktay Demirkesen, Bulent Onal, Burcin Tunc, Bulent Alici, Bulent Cetinele
220 | Histopathological Characterization of a Syngeneic Orthotopic Murine Bladder Cancer Model
Daher C. Chade, Priscila M. Andrade, Ricardo C. Borra, Katia R. Leite, Enrico Andrade, Fabiola E. Villanova, Miguel Srougi (Editorial comment by Dr. Ingo Kausch; Dr. Angelica Loskog, PhD & Dr. Yi Luo)
230 | Re: Comparison of Vasovasostomy with Conventional Microsurgical Suture and Fibrin Adhesive in Rats
Wilson F. Busato Junior, Amandia M. Marquetti, Luiz C. Rocha
Re: Sperm Defect Severity Rather than Sperm Source is Associated with Lower Fertilization Rates after Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
Sidney Verza Jr, Sandro C. Esteves
234 | Secondary signs of non-enhanced CT prior to laser ureterolithotripsy: is treatment outcome predictable?
Seitz C, Memarsadeghi M, Fajkovic H, Tanovic E
235 | Quantitative assessment of citric acid in lemon juice, lime juice, and commercially-available fruit juice products
Penniston KL, Nakada SY, Holmes RP, Assimos DG
236 | 3-year actuarial biochemical recurrence-free survival following laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: experience from a tertiary referral center in the United States
Pavlovich CP, Trock BJ, Sulman A, Wagner AA, Mettee LZ, Su LM
237 | Comparison of laparoscopic and open partial nephrectomy for tumor in a solitary kidney
Lane BR, Novick AC, Babineau D, Fergany AF, Kaouk JH, Gill IS
238 | Focal prostatic atrophy: mimicry of prostatic cancer on TRUS and 3D-MRSI studies
Prando A, Billis A
239 | The 20-core prostate biopsy protocol–a new gold standard?
Ravery V, Dominique S, Panhard X, Toublanc M, Boccon-Gibod L, Boccon-Gibod L
240 | Retrograde urethrocystography impairs computed tomography diagnosis of pelvic arterial hemorrhage in the presence of a lower urologic tract injury
Spencer Netto FA, Hamilton P, Kodama R, Scarpelini S, Ortega SJ, Chu P, Rizoli SB, Tremblay LN, Brenneman F, Tien HC
241 | Three-dimensional analysis of pelvic volume in an unstable pelvic fracture
Stover MD, Summers HD, Ghanayem AJ, Wilber JH
242 | The Impact of ISUP 2005 Consensus on Gleason Grading in Contemporary Practice
P Zareba, J Thompson, A Yilmaz, K Trpkov
243 | A contemporary study correlating prostate needle biopsy and radical prostatectomy Gleason score
Fine SW, Epstein JI
245 | Dihydrotestosterone levels and survival in screening-detected prostate cancer: a 15-yr follow-up study
Kjellman A, Akre O, Norming U, Törnblom M, Gustafsson O
246 | The template of the primary lymphatic landing sites of the prostate should be revisited: results of a multimodality mapping study
Mattei A, Fuechsel FG, Bhatta Dhar N, Warncke SH, Thalmann GN, Krause T, Studer EU
247 | Dyspareunia response in patients with interstitial cystitis treated with intravesical lidocaine, bicarbonate, and heparin
Welk BK, Teichman JM
248 | The expectations of patients who undergo surgery for stress incontinence
allett VT, Brubaker L, Stoddard AM, Borello-France D, Tennstedt S, Hall L, Hammontree L; Urinary Incontinence Treatment Network
249 | Outcome analysis of severe chordee correction using tunica vaginalis as a flap in boys with proximal hypospadias
Braga LH, Pippi Salle JL, Dave S, Bagli DJ, Lorenzo AJ, Khoury AE
250| Long-term tolerability of tolterodine extended release in children 5-11 years of age: results from a 12-month, open-label study
Nijman RJ, Borgstein NG, Ellsworth P, Siggaard C