Vol. 45 (6): 1129-1135, November – December, 2019

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.0085


Clàudia Mercader 1, Antoni Vilaseca 1, Javier Luis Moreno 2, Antonio López 2, Maria Carmen Sebastià 2, Carles Nicolau 2, Maria José Ribal 1, Luís Peri 1, Mertixell Costa 1, Antonio Alcaraz 1
1 Department of Urology Clinic Hospital of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 2 Derpartment of Radiology, Clinic Hospital of Barcelona – Barcelona, Spain


Purpose: To report our initial experience using a patient-specifi c 3D-printed renal tumor model for the surgical planning of a complex heminephrectomy in a horseshoe kidney.
Materials and Methods: We selected a clinical case for a complex laparoscopic surgery consisting in a 53 year-old male presenting a local recurrence of a renal tumor in a horseshoe kidney with aberrant vascularisation previously treated with a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. He is now proposed for a laparoscopic left heminephrectomy.
Along with conventional imaging, a real-size 3D-printed renal model was used to plan de surgical approach. The perioperative experience of the surgical team was recorded.
Results: The surgical team found the patient-specifi c 3D printed model useful for a better understanding of the anatomy and an easier surgical planning.
Conclusion: The use of patient-specifi c 3D-printed renal models seem to be helpful for the surgical planning in complex renal tumors.

Keywords: Surgical Procedures, Operative; Laparoscopy; Kidney

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