Vol. 43 (1): 48-56, January – February, 2017

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2016.0256


I. Vukovic 1, D. Djordjevic 1, N. Bojanic 1, U. Babic 1, I. Soldatovic 2

1 Clinic of Urology, Clinical Center of Serbia, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia; 2 Institute of Medical Statistics and Informatics, Belgrade, Serbia


Introduction: To assess predictive value of new tumor markers, precursor of prostate specific antigen (p2PSA) and its derivates-%p2PSA and prostate health index (PHI) in detection of patients with indolent and aggressive prostate cancer (PC) in a subcohort of man whose total PSA ranged from 2 to 10ng/mL.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 129 consecutive male patients aged over 50 years, with no previous history of PC and with normal digital rectal examination findings, but with serum PSA in interval between 2 and 10ng/mL. All patients underwent standard transrectal ultrasonography guided prostate biopsy for the first time. For all patients, serum PSA, free PSA (fPSA) and p2PSA were measured and PHI and %p2PSA were calculated.

Results: PHI and %p2PSA levels were significanlty higher in patients with PC compared to those without this malignancy. The same findings have been observed in group of patients with Gleason score ≥7 compared to those with Gleason score <7.

ROC analysis reveled the highest area under the curve with these two markers. Multivariate logistic regression showed significant improvement in PC detection and its agressive form (assumed as Gleason score ≥7).

Conclusions: New markers, derivates of p2PSA (especially %p2PSA and PHI), represente potentially very important clinical tool for predicting presence of PC, and even more important, to discriminate patients with Gleason score <7 from those with Gleason score ≥7 with total PSA in range from 2 to 10ng/mL.

Keywords: Biomarkers; Prostatic Neoplasms; Prostate-Specific Antigen

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