Vol. 42 (2): 397-398, March – April, 2016

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2015.0728


RE: The value of testicular ultrasound in the prediction of the type and size of testicular tumors

Abraham Shtricker 1, David Silver 2, Elias Sorin 3, Letizia Schreiber 4, Nachum Katlowitz 5, Alexander Tsivian 1, Kalman Katlowitz 5, Shalva Benjamin 1, Abraham Ami Sidi 1

1 Department of Urologic Surgery, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Sackler school of medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Israel; 2 Maimonidis Medical Center-NY – Department of Urologic Surgery, New York, NY, USA; 3 Department of Radiology, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Sackler school of medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Israel; 4 Department of Pathology, Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Sackler school of medicine, University of Tel Aviv, Israel; 5 Staten Island University Hospital-NY – Department of Urologic Surgery, New York, NY, USA

Int Braz J Urol. 2014; 41: 655-60

To the editor,

We read with great interest the article “The value of testicular ultrasound in the prediction of the type and size of testicular tumors” by Shtricker A. et al (1). This article highlights an interesting role of testicular ultrasound finding in managing testicular tumor, particularly regarding the ability of testicular ultrasound to differentiate between these three lesions: benign lesion, seminomatous germ cell tumor (SGCT) and non-seminomatous germ tumor (NSGCT). The presence of necrosis is more suggestive of malignant tumors, whereas hypoechogeneity and fibrosis on testicular ultrasound are more suggestive of SGCT type (1). These finding will increase the ability to differentiate type of testicular tumor preoperatively in addition to traditionally use tumor markers. Hopefully in near future the characteristic of different type of cancers can be done to form risk stratification Table.

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