Vol. 42 (6): 1058-1061, November – December, 2016

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2016.06.02


Ryan P. Terlecki 1, Alison M. Rasper 1

1 Wake Forest Baptist Health, NY, USA

Curvature of the erect penis from elements of internal fibrosis has been recognized for centuries (first described in 1743), yet our understanding still seems limited. Guidelines exist in both the United States and Europe, with most based on low level evidence and opinion (1, 2). Men afflicted by this situation are typically lumped together and labeled with the singular descriptor of Peyronie’s disease. The level of evidence for the pathophysiology and natural history of this affliction is poor, as is the awareness of data surrounding treatment modalities. This is evidenced by the fact that one of the most commonly provided interventions is Vitamin E, which has not been shown to provide benefit and is not recommended by existing guidelines. In medical practice, it is dangerous to equate shared assumptions with fact, as this may limit pursuit of additional knowledge. Additionally, in the absence of evidence, logic should prevail.

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