Vol. 45 (5): 999-1007, September – October, 2019

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.0103


Bahar Sariibrahim Astepe 1, Aybike Karsli 1, Işil Köleli 2, Orhan Seyfi Aksakal 3, Hasan Terzi 1, Ahmet Kale 1
1 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kocaeli Derince Training and Research Hospital, Kocaeli, Turkey; 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inönü University Medicine Faculty, Malatya, Turkey; 3 Urogynecology Clinics, Zekai Tahir Burak Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey


Objective: To compare the intermediate-term follow-up results of laparoscopic pecto- pexy and vaginal sacrospinous fi xation procedures. Materials and Methods: Forty-three women who had vaginal sacrospinous fi xations(SSF) using Dr. Aksakal’s Desta suture carrier and 36 women who had lapa- roscopic pectopexies were re-examined 7 to 43 months after surgery. The PISQ-12 and P-QOL questionnaires were answered by all of the women. Results: The apical descensus relapse rates did not differ between the groups (14% in the SSF vs. 11.1% in the pectopexy group). The de novo cystocele rates were higher in the SSF group (25.6% in the SSF vs. 8.3% in the pectopexy group). There were no signifi cant differences in the de novo rectocele numbers between the groups. The treatment satisfaction rates were high in both groups (93% in the SSF vs. 91.7% in the pectopexy group), which was not statistically signifi cant. Moreover, the postoperative de novo urge and stress urinary incontinence rates did not differ; however, the postop- erative sexual function scores (PISQ-12) (36.86±3.15 in the SSF group vs. 38.21±5.69 in the pectopexy group) were better in the pectopexy group. The general P-QOL scores were not signifi cantly different between the surgery groups. Conclusion: The vaginal sacrospinous fi xation maintains its value in prolapse surgery with the increasing importance of native tissue repair. The new laparoscopic pectopexy technique has comparable positive follow-up results with the conventional sacrospi-nous fi xation procedure.

Keywords: Pelvic Organ Prolapse; Hand-Assisted Laparoscopy; Treatment Outcome

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