Vol. 43 (5): 925-931, September – October, 2017

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2017.0055


Ünsal Ozkuvanci 1, Orhan Ziylan 1, M. Irfan Dönmez 1, Omer Baris Yucel 1, Tayfun Oktar 1, Haluk Ander 1, Ismet Nane 1
1 Department of Urology, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey


Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze post pubertal results of pre pubertal tunica albuginea plication with non-absorbable sutures in the correction of CPC.

Materials and Methods: The files of patients who underwent tunica albuginea plication without incision (dorsal/lateral) were retrospectively reviewed. Patients younger than 13 years of age at the time of operation and older than 14 years of age in November 2015 were included. Patients with a penile curvature of less than 30 degrees & more than 45 degrees and penile/urethral anomalies were excluded. All of the patients un­derwent surgery followed by circumcision.

Results: The mean age of patients at the time of the operation was 9.7 years (range, 6-13 years). The mean degree of ventral penile curvature measured during the opera­tion was 39 degrees while it was 41 degrees in the lateral curvatures. All of the patients were curvature-free at the end of the operation. At the time of the follow-up examination, the mean age was 16.7 years (range, 14-25 years). Six patients had a straight (0-10 degrees) penis during erection and seven patients had recurrent penile curvatures ranging from 30 to 50 degrees.

Conclusion: Pre pubertal tunica albuginea plication of congenital penile curvature (30-45 degrees) with non-absorbable sutures performed without incision is a minimal invasive method especially when performed during circumcision. However, recurrence might be observed in half of the patients after puberty.


Keywords: Penile Diseases; Penile Induration; Circumcision, Male

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