Vol. 44 (1): 180-187, January – February, 2018

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2016.0578


Hamed Abdalla Hamed 1, Mohamed Roaiah 1, Ahmed M. Hassanin 1, Adham Ashraf Zaazaa 1, Mahmoud Fawzi 1
1 Department of Andrology, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt


Introduction: Penile curvature (PC) can be surgically corrected by either corporoplasty or plication techniques. These techniques can be complicated by post-operative: penile shortening, recurrent PC, painful/palpable suture knots and erectile dysfunction.

Objective: To avoid the complications of corporoplasty and plication techniques using a new technique: combined plication-incision (CPI).

Materials and Methods: Two groups (1&2) were operated upon: group 1 using CPI and group 2 using the 16-dot technique. In CPI, dots were first marked as in 16 dot tech­nique. In each group of 4 dots the superficial layer of tunica albuginea was transverse­ly incised (3-6mm) at the first and last dots. Ethibond 2/0, passed through the interior edge of the first incision plicating the intermediate 2 dots and passed out of the interior edge of the last incision, was tightened and ligated. Vicryle 4/0, passed through the exterior edges of the incisions, was tightened and ligated to cover the ethibond knot.

Results: Twelve (57.1 %) participants in group 2 complained of a bothering palpable knot compared to none in group 1 with statistically significant difference (P=0.005). Postoperative shortening (5mm) of erect penis, encountered in 9 participants, was dou­bled in group 2 but with insignificant difference (P>0.05). Post-operative recurrence of PC, was encountered in only 1 (4.8%) participant in group 2, compared to none in group 1, with insignificant difference (P>0.05). Post-operative erectile rigidity was normally maintained in all participants.

Conclusion: The new technique was superior to the 16-dot technique for correction of PC.

Keywords:  Penile Induration; Penis; Erectile Dysfunction

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