Vol. 43 (1): 3-6, January – February, 2017

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2017.01.02


Stênio de Cássio Zequi 1, Diego Abreu Clavijo 2 and all other LARCG* Members**

1 Urology Divison, AC Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brasil; 2 Servicio de Urología, Hospital Pasteur Montevideo, Uruguay



As usually verified in many malignancies, the majority of the scientific information about renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is produced in developed countries mainly in North America and Europe. This knowledge is derived from great casuistries, joined in multi-institutional collaborative study groups or in International diseases consortiums.

Consistent epidemiologic and scientific data originated in the Latin America (LA) are lacking. LA is a large subcontinent, composed by more than 20 countries (much of them great economies), encompassing around 640 million habitants. Latin American population ethnicity is unique, due to an intense miscegenation, differing from northern hemispheric populations. The LA’s population was composed by several civilizations over the years: pre Colombians, (Amerindians), black slaves descendant’s (distinct groups of the African slaves that were sent to North America and Caribe). The predominance of Europeans in LA corresponded to Iberians, and Italians, few French and Germans. We have few Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Northern and Eastern Europeans. Regarding Middle East and Africans, the more prevalent immigrants were Syrian, Lebaneses, Jewishs and few Armenians. Also, there are few Arabic, Persian and North African populations. From Asia, the predominance has been established by Japanese and in the last decades, by some Korean and Chinese. There is almost no people from South Asia, Oceania and Pacific Islands etc., differing from US, for example. The LA racial miscegenation resulted in particular genetic groups such as Mulattoes, Mestizos, Zambos, Cimarron’s, Cafuzzos, mamelucos etc (1, 2). In the era of molecular biology, and “omics”, it seems amazing to know the demographic, clinical, pathological and biomolecular profiles of several…

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