Vol. 43 (1): 163-165, January – February, 2017

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2016.0081


Gautam Kumar Kanodia 1, Satyanarayan Sankhwar 1, Ankur Jhanwar 1, Ankur Bansal 1, Manoj Kumar 1, Ashok Gupta 1

1 King George Medical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India


Optical internal urethrotomy (OIU) is the most common procedure performed for short segment bulbar urethral stricture worldwide. This procedure most commonly performed using Sachse’s cold knife. Various perioperative complications of internal urethrotomy have been described in literature including bleeding, urinary tract infection, extravasation of fluid, incontinence, impotence, and recurrence of stricture. Here we report a unique complication of breakage of Sachse knife blade intraoperatively and its endoscopic management.

Keywords: Urethra; Recurrence; Methods

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