Vol. 42 (3): 621-622, May – June, 2016

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2015.0006


Obstructive uropathy secondary to bilateral ureteroinguinoscrotal herniation

Oladapo Feyisetan 1, Michael S. Floyd Jr. 1, Azi Samsudin 1
1 St Helens & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust – Urology Prescot, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


A 55 year old man presented with acute renal failure. He was grossly overweight with a BMI of 48 and had a past history of sleep ap¬noea, chronic lymphoedema and left ventricular dysfunction. Physical examination revealed a pendulous abdomen which extended to his knees and bilateral, irreducible inguinoscrotal hernias. Blood samples on admission revealed a serum creatinine of 187umol/l and an eGFR of 33ml/min. CT urogram demonstrated bilateral hydro¬nephroureter to the level of the vesico-ureteric junction. The ureters were found to be tortuous and appeared to extend below the bladder before looping back up into the bladder. The absence of contrast within the ureters made the position of the lower ureter difficult to determine. Subse¬quent MAG-3 renogram showed a split function of 39/61% with a right sided preponderance. Both kidneys were slow to peak and showed negligible drainage. Intraoperative retrograde pyelograghy showed the ureters to be grossly elongated, loop¬ing down bilaterally through the hernial sacs within the scrotum before returning up to the kidneys (Figure-1). Conventional double pig tail ureteric stents were found to be not long enough to span the distance between the bladder and renal pelvis and 75cm-long ileal conduit stents were used successfully (Figure 2 and 3).

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