Vol. 42 (3): 438-448, May – June, 2016

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2015.0323


4-Ports endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy: preliminary and learning curve results

Humberto do Nascimento Barbosa Junior 1, Tiberio Moreno Siqueira Junior 1, Françualdo Barreto 2, Leonardo Gomes Menezes 3, Mauro José Catunda Luna 3, Adriano Almeida Calado 1
1 Departamento de Urologia da Universidade de Pernambuco – Recife, PE, Brasil; 2 Departamento de Urologia, IMIP, Recife, PE, Brasil; 3 Serviço de Urologia, Memorial São José Hospital, Recife, PE, Brasil


Introduction: There is a lack of studies in our national scenario regarding the results obtained by laparoscopic radical prostatectomy technique (LRP). Except for a few se¬ries, there are no consistent data on oncological, functional, and perioperative results on LRP held in Brazil. As for the LRP technique performed by extraperitoneal access (ELRP), when performed by a single surgeon, the results are even scarcer.
Objective: To analyze the early perioperative and oncologic results obtained with the ELRP, throughout the technical evolution of a single surgeon.
Patients and methods: A non-randomized retrospective study was held in a Brazilian hospital of reference. In the 5-year period, 115 patients underwent the ELRP procedure. Patients were divided into two groups, the first 57 cases (Group 1) and the following 58 cases, (Group 2). A comparative analysis between the groups of efficacy results and ELRP safety was carried out.
Results: The average age of patients was 62.8 year-old and the PSA of 6.9ng/dl. The total surgery time was 135.8 minutes on average, and the urethral-bladder anastomosis was 21.9 min (23.3 min versus 20.7 min). The positive surgical margins (PSM) rate was 17.1%, showing no difference between groups (16.4% versus 17.9%; p=0.835). There was statistical difference between the groups in relation to the anastomosis time, esti¬mated blood loss and the withdrawal time of the urinary catheter.
Conclusion: The ELRP technique proved to be a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of prostate cancer, with low morbidity.

Keywords: Endoscopy; Prostatectomy; Learning; Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures

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