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667 | Telesurgery and of the International Brazilian Journal of Urology in 2024

Luciano A. Favorito [View Full Article]


670 | Retrograde intrarenal surgery with or without ureteral access sheath: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Lucas Guimarães Campos Roriz de Amorim, Marcelo Esteves Chaves Campos, Lígia Sant’Ana Dumont, José Augusto Rojas Peñafiel, Eliabe Silva de Abreu, Giovanni Scala Marchini, Manoj Monga, Eduardo Mazzucchi [View Full Article]

683 | Robot-assisted, laparoscopic and open radical cystectomy for bladder cancer: A systematic review and network meta-analysis

Zhanpo Yang, Xinmeng Dou, Wenhui Zhou, Qian Liu [View Full Article]

703  | Evidence of restorative therapies in the treatment of Peyronie disease: A narrative review

Francesco Costantini Mesquita, Rodrigo Barros, Thiago Fernandes Negris Lima, David Velasquez, Luciano A. Favorito, Edoardo Pozzi, James Dornbush, David Miller, Francis Petrella, Ranjith Ramasamy [View Full Article]

714 | Endoscopic Combined Intrarenal Surgery: best practices and future perspectives

Anderson B. Pellanda, Fabio C. M. Torricelli, John Denstedt, Alexandre Danilovic, Giovanni S. Marchini, Fabio C. Vicentini, Carlos A. Batagello, William C. Nahas, Eduardo Mazzucchi [View Full Article]


727 | Robot-assisted radical nephroureterectomy using the KangDuo Surgical Robot-01 System versus the da Vinci System: a multicenter prospective randomized controlled trial

Zhongyuan Zhang, Zhenyu Li, Weifeng Xu, Xuan Wang, Shengcai Zhu, Jie Dong, Xiaojun Tian, Wei Zuo, Qi Tang, Zhihua Li, Kunlin Yang, Xiaoqiang Xue, Yingjie Li, Hongxian Zhang, Qiming Zhang, Silu Chen, Zhaoheng Jin, Xuesong Li, Zhigang Ji, Lulin Ma, Ming Liu [View Full Article]

737 | Safety and efficacy of vacuum-assisted mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy for the treatment of renal stone disease: an analysis of stone free status and postoperative infectious complications

Kaushik P. Kolanukuduru, Osama Zaytoun, Neeraja Tillu, Asher Mandel, Zachary Dovey, Maurizio Buscarini [View Full Article]

746 | Are very thin patients at a higher risk of complications when submitted to percutaneous nephrolithotomy?

Priscila Kuriki Vieira Mota, Daniel Beltrame Ferreira, Rafael Felisberto Dias Florencio, David Jacques Cohen, Rodrigo Perrella, Carlos Alfredo Batagello, Claudio Bovolenta Murta, Joaquim Francisco de Almeida Claro, Fabio Carvalho Vicentini [View Full Article]

754 | First impressions of Telesurgery robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy using the Edge medical robotic platform

Marcio Covas Moschovas, Travis Rogers, Wanhai Xu, Roshane Perera, Xu Zhang, Vipul Patel [View Full Article]

764 | Development of nerves and vessels in the penis during the human fetal period

Carla B. M. Gallo, Waldemar S. Costa, Luciano A. Favorito, Francisco J. B. Sampaio [View Full Article]


772 | Robotic versus open radical Prostatectomy: comparing automobiles and carriages in 2024

Tomás Bernardo Costa Moretti, Leonardo Oliveira Reis [View Full Article]


776 | Tomographic aspect of a giant stone in a bricker urinary diversion

Luciano A. Favorito, Arthur Valdier, André L. Diniz, Ana Raquel M. Morais, José A. de Resende Júnior [View Full Article]


779 | Single-Port Transvesical Robotic Radical Prostatectomy in a Patient with Hostile Abdomen

Sij Hemal, Sina Sobhani [View Full Article]

781 | Totally Intracorporeal Robot-Assisted Bilateral Ileal Ureter Replacement for the Treatment of Ureteral Strictures using Kangduo Surgical Robot 2000 Plus

Shubo Fan, Silu Chen, Xinfei Li, Zhihua Li, Kunlin Yang, Han Hao, Liqun Zhou, Xuesong Li [View Full Article]

783 | The atlas of supine single port extraperitoneal access

Luca Lambertini,, Matteo Pacini, Luca Morgantini, Jhon Smith, Juan Ramon Torres-Anguiano, Simone Crivellaro [View Full Article]

785 | Single Port Robotic Nephrectomy via lower anterior retroperitoneal approach: feasible, safe and effective option in surgically complex patients

Angelo Orsini, Francesco Lasorsa, Gabriele Bignante,, Jamie Yoon, Kyle Anna Dymanus, Edward E. Cherullo, Riccardo Autorino [View Full Article]

787 | INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS [View Full Article]