Vol. 43 (6): 1102-1109, November – December, 2017
doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2016.0586
Fabio C. Vicentini 1, Felipe R. Serzedello 2, Kay Thomas 3, Giovanni S. Marchini 2, Fabio C. M. Torricelli 2, Miguel Srougi 2, Eduardo Mazzucchi 2
1 Seção de Endourologia, Departamento de Urologia, Hospital de Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, SP, Brasil; 2 Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil; 3 Stone Unit, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ National Health services foundation Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Objective: To compare the application time and the capacity of the nomograms to predict the success of Guy’s Stone Score (GSS), S.T.O.N.E. Nephrolithometry (STONE) and Clinical Research Office of the Endourological Society nephrolithometric nomogram (CROES) of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), evaluating the most efficient one for clinical use.
Materials and Methods: We studied 48 patients who underwent PCNL by the same surgeon between 2010 and 2011. We calculated GSS, STONE and CROES based on preoperative non-contrast computed tomography (CT) images and clinical data. A single observer, blinded to the outcomes, reviewed all images and assigned scores. We compared the application time of each nomogram. We used an analysis of variance for repeated measures and multiple comparisons by the Tukey test. We compared the area under the ROC curve (AUC) of the three nomograms two by two to determine the most predictive scoring system.
Results: The immediate success rate was 66.7% and complications occurred in 16.7% of cases. The average operative time was 122 minutes. Mean application time was significantly lower for the GSS (27.5 seconds) when compared to 300.6 seconds for STONE and 213.4 seconds for CROES (p<0.001). There was no significant difference among the GSS (AUC=0.653), STONE (AUC=0.563) and CROES (AUC=0.641) in the ability to predict immediate success of PCNL.
Conclusions: All three nomograms showed similar ability to predict success of PCNL, however the GSS was the quickest to be applied, what is an important issue for routine clinical use when counseling patients who are candidates to PCNL.
Keywords: Nomograms; Diagnosis; Calculi