Vol. 46 (x): 2020 July 7.[Ahead of print]
doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.0448
Parvin Mousavi Ghanavati 1, Dinyar Khazaeli 2, Mohammadreza Amjadzadeh 2
1 Golestan Hospital, Iran, Tehran, Republic of Islamic; 2 Ahvaz Jundishapur University, Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran, Tehran, Republic of Islamic
Introduction: Nocturnal enuresis (enuresis) is one of the most common developmental problems of childhood, which has often a familial basis, causes mental and psychological damage to the child and disrupts family solace.
Objectives: In this study, we compared therapeutic efficacy and tolerability of treating primary nocturnal enuresis (PNE) with solifenacin plus desmopressin, tolterodine plus desmopressin, and desmopressin alone. Because we don’t have enough information about this comparison especially about solifenacin plus desmopressin.
Patients and Methods: This clinical trial study was performed on 62 patients with enuresis aged 5-15 years who referred to the urology clinic of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahwaz in 2017-2018. Patients were randomly assigned to one of the three different therapeutic protocols and any participants were given a specific code. After that, we compared the therapeutic response and the level of satisfaction of each therapeutic group in different months. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 software and descriptive and analytical statistics.
Results: The mean age of patients was 8.70±66 years. In the therapeutic group with desmopressin and solifenacin, 19 of 20 patients (95%) achieved complete remission (1) after a 3-month treatment in comparison with monotherapy group in which 14 of 22 patients (63.63%) achieved complete remission; and in the combination therapy group of desmopressin and tolterodine, in the study and the evaluation of the consequences of 3-month treatment of this group, it was found that 17 of 20 patients (85%) had complete remission. Overall, the therapeutic response in combination therapy groups of desmopressin plus anticholinergic was higher than the monotherapy group of desmopressin alone.
Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that the combination of desmopressin and an anticholinergic agent is highly effective in treatment of children with PMNE. Although desmopressin has long been a first – line treatment for PMNE, desmopressin monotherapy often fails to achieve a successful response in patients with PMNE.
Keywords: Nocturnal Enuresis; Solifenacin Succinate; desmopressin, valyl(4)-glutaminyl(5)- [Supplementary Concept]