Vol. 45 (1): 3-4, January – February, 2019

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.01.02


Philippe E. Spiess 1,2
1 Section Editor, International Brazilian Journal of Urology, 2 Department of GU Oncology, Assistant Chief of Surgical Services Moffitt Cancer Center, USA

One of my distinct honors as the editor of the video section is to reflect on the prior year and to highlight some of our major accomplishments and contributions, with once again our submitting authors highlighting the incredible surgical talents and innovation being adopted across the world. In this regard, I am pleased to once again share with you the selection of the three best videos of the year, with the criteria for selection being the accepted videos that most vividly depict the creative approaches to surgery within our field, with the ultimate goal of optimizing patient related outcomes. In this regard, I am pleased to announce the 1st prize selection being the video by Luciano Favorito et al. from the Hospital Federal de Lagoa in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil entitled “Double inlay plus ventral onlay buccal mucosa
graft for simultaneous penile and bulbar urethral stricture” (available at. https://intbrazjurol.com.br/pdf/vol44n04/Favorito_838_839.pdf).

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