Vol. 46 (2): 152-157, March – April, 2020
doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2020.99.02
Rodrigo Barros 1, José Genilson Alves Ribeiro 1, Heleno Augusto Moreira da Silva 1, Flávio Rondinelli de Sá 1, Angelo Maurilio Fosse Júnior 1, Luciano A. Favorito 2
1 Departamento de Urologia, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF, Niterói, RJ, Brasil; 2 Unidade de Pesquisa Urogenital, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
Objective: To present the evolution and the recent data on the etiology, diagnosis, management and outcomes of penile fracture (PF) with concomitant urethral injury.
Materials and Methods: We searched the Pubmed database between 1998 and 2019 using the following key words: “penile fracture”, “fracture of penis”, “trauma to penis”, “rupture of corpora cavernosa”, “urethral injury”, “urethral rupture” and “urethral reconstruction”.
Results: The incidence of urethral lesion in patients with PF varies by geographic region and etiology. Blood in the meatus, hematuria and voiding symptoms are highly indicative of urethral rupture. The diagnosis of PF is eminently clinical and complementary exams are not necessary. The treatment consists of urethral reconstruction and the most common complications found are urethral stenosis and urethrocutaneous fi stula.
Conclusion: PF is an uncommon urological emergency, particularly in cases with ure- thral involvement. Urethral injury should be suspected in the presence of suggestive clinical signs, and diagnosis is usually clinical. Urgent urethral reconstruction is man-datory and produces satisfactory results with low levels of complications.
Keywords: Penis; Urethra; Urethral Stricture