Vol. 45 (5): 877-881, September – October, 2019
doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2019.05.03
Mateus Cosentino Bellote 1, Hegel Trujillo Santamaria 2, Marcela Pelayo-Nieto 3, Heman Prasad ES 4, Nariman Gadzhiev 5, Kalyan Gudaru 6
1 Departmentamento de Urologia, Universidade Federal do Parana – UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brasil; 2 Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Centro Medico Nacional, Unidad Medica De Alta especialidade No.14 “Lic. Adolfo Ruiz Cortines” Veracruz, Mexico; 3 Centro Medico Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; 4 CIHSR Referral Hospital, Nagaland, India; 5 Departament of Endourological, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg Medical University, Russia; 6 Department of Urology, Sri Venkateswara Institute Of Medical Sciences, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: Social Media; Urology; Review [Publication Type]
Social media (SoMe) are changing the way people communicate, interact, and exchange information. Medical and scientific communities are increasingly utilising of these emerging communication tools. Knowledge and scientific content are now broadly available in multiple platforms that allow providers to interact with peers around the world.
These platforms are now facilitating medical education and helping phisicians to increase their network (1). Nowadays, Twitter has played a key role in the medical comunity. It has been shown that Twitter activity can predict articles that will be highly cited (2).
Over 80% of physicians across specialities have some form of social media presence. The current and upcoming generations of physicians entering work force with an innate and natural drive to communicate, this trend is only going to increase (3).