Vol. 45 (2): 396-399, March – April, 2019

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2018.0692


Ali Sami Gurbuz 1, 2, Ali Cenker 3
1 Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology KTO Karatay University Medical Faculty Konya, Turkey; 2 Novafertil IVF Center Konya, Turkey; 3 Department of Urology, Akademi Meram Hospital Konya, Turkey


Transvaginal oocyte retrieval is a crucial step in assisted reproductive technology.
Various complications may arise during this procedure. Ureteral injury is a rare, but a serious complication in gynecological practice. During oocyte retrieval, ureteral injuries, detachment and obstruction can be seen, though rare. In this study, we will present ureteral obstruction that develops secondary to small hematoma, which mimics ovarian cyst torsion or ruptured ovarian cyst.

Keywords: Oocyte Retrieval; Ureter; Hematoma

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