Vol. 44 (4): 662-663, July – August, 2018

doi: 10.1590/S1677-5538.IBJU.2018.04.01


Luciano A. Favorito 1, 2, 3
1 Professor Titular, Unidade Urogenital da Univ. Est. do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, RJ, Brasil; 2 Urologista do Hospital da Lagoa Federal, Rio de Janeiro , RJ, Brasil; 3 Editor Associado do International Braz J Urol

The July-August 2018 issue of the International Braz J Urol presents original contributions with a lot of interesting papers in different fields: Infertility, Bariatric Surgery, Bladder Cancer, Erectile Dysfunction, Prostate Cancer, Renal Cell Carcinoma, Prostate Biopsy, Renal stones, epididymo-orchitis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Penile Trauma, Nocturnal Enuresis, Prenatal Hydronephrosis, Basic Research, Prostatic Utricle Cyst, Urethral Stricture and Vesico-ureteral Reflux. The papers come from many different countries such as Canada, Egypt, Lebanon, Italy, Brazil, USA, UK, Turkey, China, Taiwan, India and Spain, and as usual the editor´s comment highlights some papers. We decided to comment the paper about a very interesting topic: Bladder Diverticula in BPH.

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